Saturday, 29 August 2015

2008 Black and white windows viewed through by many.  Day in and day out.  Its been going on for years,  even though she thinks she is an opulant pallet of reds, yellows and blues. Enjoying her primary colours, she sits.   Recklessly on the edge, refusing to accept these laughable judgments from other eyes.  " i exude colour.  I am more than that ". Little did she know that her existence  was not a colourful one.  Her eyes and skin were but two different  shades of grey and her hair was as white as the night was black.  Lila lived with her mother in a small town where together they decided to take on the world. When Lila was born all was fine.  Five fingers, five toes and once again a mother in love with her child.  It wasn't  until her second birthday that Lilas mother had noticed an unusual  change in her daughters eyes.  They had turned a subtle shade of grey that perhaps only a mother  would notice.  But it was there, over the years Lila began a transformation like no other.   All the while completely in the dark, her mother, to afraid to tell her,  kept Lila safe under a continuously watchful eye. The year of her thirteenth birthday Lila took on a fantasy.  A fantasy of becoming a star.  A star of colour. A star for all to see...much to her mothers chagrin. It was almost spring time as snowy puddles surrounded her feet and the tip tap of melting gutter snow lulled Lila into a sense of tranquility. A trip out west was in order. It was time to visit a part of her world she had never experienced before and this intoxicatingly tickled her with excitement. As they arrived Lila had to pinch herself.  Seeing the ocean  from the sky was truely mesmerizing.  But once the sand was trapped between her toes there was no going back.  As she made her way to the edge  of the oceans grasp,  Lila could not help but giggle.  Inch by inch, toe by toe she pushed her body into the chilled blueness, in which she saw for the first time her true reflection.   She froze.... not from the cold waters surrounding her but from the image of herself without colour.  She stood in suspended animation for quite some time, realizing that her existence in black and white was not something she could deny but a beauty to embrace. And this she did, with unrefuted grace and colour.